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Leading With Purpose
a Creative Marketing Agency With Passion for Change
About       |          Team          Values          Social Renewal

We see the challenges and tense conditions in the world.
We aim for positive change.

Our Core Team
Michael Sophia
CEO  | Creative Director
Adam Schneider
COO | Director of Production
Leanica Faye
Lead of Analytics & SEO
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Our Core Team
Michael Sophia
CEO  | Creative Director
Adam Schneider
COO | Director of Production
Leanica Faye
Lead of Analytics & SEO
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We can't do it alone.

Our extended team of freelancers and supporters we collaborate with in our work are instrumental in our success. And, we're growing. We have opportunities available if you want to introduce yourself here.


We believe in honor for one another. And everything else.

We believe in kindness.
We believe in boldness.
We believe in renewal and transformation.

We believe that what we collectively do, matters. And we recognize that healing is part of the process.

We respect the body, soul, and spirit in life. And we see empathy, love, and understanding as powerful forces.

We also see that socially, we need new and healthy forms to emergence.
We need to do the deep work.

Our part here, as the Prosper and Purpose marketing agency, is marketing and creative counsel, for good.

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"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
-Buckminster Fuller
At the Heart of it All
Passion for Social Renewal
We see the modern condition of the world.
And we accept it with a strong sense of responsibility and stewardship.

We strive to create positive impact and change through partnerships with our clients and the companies we work with.
We believe in the power of compassion, empathy, and understanding as central to a conscious approach to our work.
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Our Name | "Prosper and Purpose"

Combining the words Prosper and Purpose gives an interesting look into the way we approach our work.

Purpose in our work is essential, which includes being a champion for the purpose in our clients' work. Then we highlight the idea of prosperity - creativity and abundance.

We see life as a creative endeavor, and while we recognize the many challenges in the world, we believe that by pursuing work with purpose, we're able to empower and create pathways for greater abundance and prosperity while effecting positive transformation.

We believe in awakening a more vibrant and compassionate future, and turning the tide for the positive for future generations.

"So, what kind of an online marketing agency are you?"

And, what is purpose-driven marketing?

For us, purpose-driven marketing is more intentional and holistic approach to creating business success through branding and digital marketing.

We care about the lifecycle of the businesses we support - do no harm. As a creative marketing agency, we help craft, revamp, and grow brands and organizations that want to work for a better world.

In the search engines, we might identify as something like...

a digital marketing agency.
a brand marketing agency.
a marketing agency for nonprofits.
a marketing agency for b-corps.

a marketing agency for social enterprise.
or a cause marketing agency.

But mostly, we see ourselves as creators.

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Check out our services if you want more details on the kinds of work we do. Or contact us if you think we can be helpful.
If your mission includes positive social and environmental impact, we're grateful for the work you do. Maybe we can work together.

We appreciate focusing our work on Cultural enrichment. Economic development. And, Civil equanimity.

With priority for renewal and regeneration in our relationships with Nature.

© 2024 Ethos Media

Made with 🤍 in Boulder, Colorado